A George III Mahogany Inlaid Bookcase Cabinet.

In Two Parts; The Upper With A Dentil Molded Cornice Above An

Inlaid And Carved Frieze,

Above A Pair Of Mullioned Glazed Doors, 

Opening To Adjustable Shelves.

The Projecting Lower Section With A Butler’s Drawer,

Having A Inlaid Prospect Door,

Flanked By Small Inlaid Drawers,

Above Pigeon-Holes And A Writing Surface,

Above Three Large Graduated And Beaded Drawers,

Ending In A Molded Base,

Raised On Tall Bracket Feet.

England, Circa 1785-1810

H. 81 1/2″ W. 47″ D. 21 1/4″

Price $ 8,950.00

George III Mahogany Inlaid Bookcase - Prospect Door
George III Mahogany Inlaid Bookcase - Top Detail
George III Mahogany Inlaid Bookcase - Closed Position